Saturday 3 January 2015


When I wrote hustler on my Twitter bio, I really was down for pure, unabridged, full blown hustling. I wasn't aware it entailed being woken up at 7 in the am, going with my agriculturist neighbour to his Church member's house. We got there, got straight to work. Work here having the meaning of fishing 80kg of catfish out the pond, killing them in a fishy genocide, de-gutting them, washing them over and over and over again, folding 'em gorgeously and putting the lot in the oven. It was tough on my back, but there's this feeling that comes with making money from the strength of one's back. You'll end up exhausted but your morale will be sky high.

I'm not really one for resolutions & all such beautifully titled yet vacuous things. In fact, I'm not a fan of tagging things, as I feel giving them titles constricts what you can achieve by them. The exact same reason I like undefined relationships. I mean I can be carrying out my boyfriending duties as you are fulfilling your girlfriendship obligations towards me. Just don't let us call it 'boyfriend & girlfriend' coz that leaches the spontaneity; gradually eroding the fun until the eventual breakup. Before long, you go a day without calling & its like, 'dude, why didn't you call'. It becomes a duty -- a burden of sorts, rather than remain something you look forward to.

My point? I saw a couple 'New Year  Resolutions' on social media & decided to make some myself -- with no apparent success I must say. By my reckoning, one doesn't have to categorically state "I'll hit the gym regularly, I'll eat right, I'll learn swimming, I'll try to hit double figures in the number of the opposite sex I bed...". I think it goes without saying that I plan to do all (most) of these, and then some.
A drastic, holistic improvement is always the goal for me.

But I wanna be a part of the zeitgeist too. So I'll say some of the things I'll do this year (but won't call them resolutions). I WILL publish stories this year. I vowed to make lots of money in 2015 & as it is, I already made a couple thousands doing the odd jobs I told you about. I will do the obligatory NYSC thing too & lots of other stuff. Its gonna be eventful.

Thus far, the year has been copacetic. I'm well aware its early days yet, but I hope these signs are ominous harbingers of a brilliant 361 days ahead.

P.S: I'll like to hit you with a book review before the week runs out. And any other stuff that pops into my brain in between. Have a good one.

---->>>Captaincue ('I want to buy 20 fish' sounds..uh, fishy! Go ahead, say it out loud..)

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