Tuesday 23 September 2014


I was going to post an essay, but decided against it. Why? Because I can! That's why. Lol. Gaskiya, I think books provide an esoteric collection of empirical knowledge, and with the purported dearth of 'reading culture' (whatever that means) I saw it fit to post another review. Spontaneity is the keystone in the structure of my blog, and 'book review' takes precedence over all other stuff this week. Bear with me, and enjoy:
MY LIFE is a 2004 autobiography of a certain Bill Clinton; former President of the USA. The book details; albeit chronologically, his childhood; growing up with grandparents in a little town Hope in Arkansas, coping with an abusive stepfather (whom he loved), highschool, Georgetown University, Oxford, Yale Law School (quite some education, won't you say)...being Governor of Arkansas..all the way to his Presidency of the United States.
Not many people can lay claim to being the President of the United States. Being a nonfictional book, there's really no plot to speak of as its a true story. William Jefferson Blythe was born in August 1946, barely 3months after his father died in a car accident. Despite growing up with an alcoholic who was abusive, he still loved his stepfather; so much that he changed his last name to Clinton in his early teens. His involvement in politics was no fluke as well, because as a teenager in highschool, he was a prominent member of the Student government. Also, while attending a Government leadership program, he got to meet President John Kennedy in 1963.
He wanted, and he secured an admission into Georgetown University in Arkansas to study International Studies. Again, he got involved in Politics by working as an intern with a Senator William Fullbright -- because like himself, the Senator was against the Vietnam war. (A stick his opponents would use to beat him throughout his political career).
He went to Oxford via a scholarship, attended the University of Arkansas Law School and eventually rounded up his formal education by attending the Yale Law School.
Along the line, he worked some high profile jobs on campaigns and upon graduation from Yale, he secured a job as a staff attorney for a House Committee in Washington.
He was elected as the Attorney General of Arkansas in '76 and in '78, he was elected Governor of Arkansas. He was voted out of office because of some unpopular policies...and later reelected.
In a long and winding political career, he was elected President of the United States in '93. His most notable works were on healthcare reforms and national spending and assault weapons and several peace treaties. He also worked on Monica Lewinsky.
He left office in 2000.

Rio Ferdinand has 3 or 4 autobiographies, the lot of which are increasingly largely forgettable. Mr Rio apparently thinks an autobiography is a book in which you rat on your colleagues and mates. Just like Mr Ferdinand, Mr Clinton is a very popular man. Unlike Mr Ferdinand, Mr Clinton sure can write.
When a book is 969 pages long, and the title is not Les Misrablés , one would expect some rather long and unnecessary details...you get those in this book; what with the description of the wife of a barman and all such overkill.
In Nigeria, a politician is a bad man/woman (mostly). Before I read this book, I was of the same opinion myself but Mr Clinton's painstaking recollection and description of politics, polity and policies is  quite an eye opener. It gives the reader another perspective to view things from.
I particularly liked the part where he talked about his years at Georgetown; the classes, the papers, the writeups, the debates and all.
The man is a brilliant man, of that there is no doubt. But I know some people dislike him due in no small part to his history with infidelity (Monica Lewinsky) and some unpopular policies.
Apart from the sheer bulk of the book, my only ish is that he focused a lot on 'forgiveness' from Hillary (wife) and Chelsea (daughter) for his misdeed. That was rather disappointing. I guess maybe I wanted an X-rated, erection-inducing, swashbuckling recount of his escapade with that woman Lewinsky...and how she would hide between his legs, under that table in the Oval Office while he brokered a peace deal between Israel and Palestine. There was no such description. Lol.
All in all, an extramarital affair (or two), a bright (very) educated democrat, awesome speeches, alcoholism, abuse, a good insight into the sociopolitical makeup of the 90s, nostalgia, hope, Mandela, conflicts, Tony Blair, Arafat, Ebola, epithets and anecdotes ad infinitum -- makes this book an interesting read for nostalgic old people, an awesome guide for young peeps full of prospect and hope AND a timeless classic for lovers of autobiography.
As an aside, Mr Bill's professor said and he quoted in the book, and I'm quoting in my blog too, that "the future can be better than the past & each individual has a personal, moral obligation to make it so". Apposite!

A truly good read (even if you're apolitical).

         ----->>>>Cue (..feeling my way through the darkness).

PS: I know a shitload of people read this blog, and I don't wanna go all Oliver Twist on you..but a comment here and there will be a lovely icing on my cake. Eseun


  1. Biographies.... Ehn? ~sirlahm~

  2. Great story and definitely a GREAT review...thumps up.
