Wednesday 15 April 2015


In that epic scene in the Yorùbá comedy; Opakan, a guy was going to pay for his friend's meal. The one that was going to pay ordered something in the region of N150 while the dude he was going to pay for ordered for something in the region of N700. So the one that was going to pay decided to go Dutch. The result was catastrophic for the one they were gonna pay for. It was funny as hell.

After the victory of the candidate I supported (and voted for) in the Nigerian Presidential elections, I intentionally put a raincheck on the obvious narrative: "after failing, pick yourself up and go again"; as the old General has done. I will write something along those lines imminently of course.
In the immediate aftermath of the announcement of election results, we all celebrated in our ways. Politicians, shameless bunch that they are decamped to the winning side. People pledged support and cooperation to the incoming President. Associations and Institutions made elaborate pledges of allegiances to the General.
The one that particularly struck me was the announcement purportedly made by the association of prostitutes; aptly named : ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIAN PROSTITUTES (I kid you not) that all members of the noble association would give it to their loving customers pro bono for three days. I was delighted for boys when I saw that announcement on Linda Ikeji.

Then I saw on Nairaland the following day that a guy who meant no harm but  apparently believes everything he's told or sees refused to pay in the morning after doing a TDB. He got beat by her colleagues. To a pulp. I don't want to, but Lol. The guy's naiveté is remarkable, but after laughing at his error of judgement, I came to realize that some people are really ignorant of such things. They just don't know better.

This paragraph is dedicated to the people that make mistakes so the rest of us can learn and guard against making those mistakes. Fair play to y'all.

1. There's no honour in staying with the losing side
2. Do not eat more than the fellow who's paying
3. Go with enough money when visiting a brothel
4. Who does a TDB??!!!

Captaincue (mi o kin lo to iseju marun...)