Saturday 8 November 2014


I wanted to be a traffic warden. As a kid, I just loved the fluid movement of their wrists and fingers gesturing energetically to cars, controlling traffic, averting potential mayhem and generally looking cool in black trousers and orange shirts.  It seemed an interesting job to me as a boy. I was wired that way.

In my earliest years, when peeps would ask me what I wanted to be when I was grown, I would look into the distance and give it some serious thought. Then the conversation would end with "'re good with your hands & not bad at science at should be an architect."
In truth I thought of the usual things I could become, the usual Nigerian suspects -- doctor, lawyer, engineer; none of which particularly interested me. By my reckoning back then, when Providence shows you your calling, a lightbulb would go on in your head like one of those cartoons, and you'll set after that dream and live happily ever after. I never saw any of those bulbs.

It never rained for me, but when it did (in my teens), it poured. First I wanted to become a footballer. John O'Shea made it..I couldn't be any worse. Then I wanted to be an architect. Then it was a fine artist. Then I just wanted to write. One constant was that I really, really wanted to eviscerate poverty and become rich -- a dream which ignited, and still fuels the burning furnace that is my hustle.

Maybe I wasn't able to figure it out because dreams were somewhat wrongly portrayed as an either/or thing. In retrospect, I can honestly say my inability to pinpoint a 'dream' stemmed from this wrongful notion. Should I be subjugated to a particular field of endeavour when there are a jillion other ventures I can try my hand at? I don't like to think so.

That said, I hope you see I'm not intent on becoming a jackofalltrades average kinda guy, because I don't. I'm just interested in doing several things, any of which would give me immense joy should I manage to achieve considerable success in.

So this past week, I tried completing a short story I've been writing for a while now. And I did. And it might be awful. I'll publish under a pseudonym. That's what I've been up to. So, to those who figure it out early, God bless the hustle. To those who are still finding their purpose, you'll find it soon enough.

I need an editor. Mail me please. We'll chat. Thank you.

I'll see you around. Be excellent.

         --->>>Cue (...moving from nothing to something..)

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