Thursday 13 November 2014


Sometimes I tire of dealing with mankind and I choose to commune with God's other creations: trees, animals et al.  Not in a schizophrenic kinda way o...just a mere appreciation of God's mysterious works. So when my brain gets saturated, I go to the zoo to unwind. Sometimes I go there with a date; as its a cool spot. Other times I just go with a book and read or I just sit by the stream and watch water streaming down

Naturally, I begin with the trees, read their labels and morphology...then I leave for the peaceful animals: ducks, ram, giraffe, donkeys, horses before drifting to the rather bellicose ones: snakes, crocodiles, vultures, eagles, hyenas, ostrich(es). I always save the best for the last; the lions. Do not believe everything you see in those documentaries coz lions are really big. Despite the cages, they're still frightening creatures. A roar will send vibrations through the ground within a 10 meter radius of those creatures.

I got a closeup realtime view of a lion's eyes. I thought it was the most beautiful thing I'd seen all my life. It was. Then my sisters started having kids, in which case I was allowed to handle those babies in the palm of my hands only a few hours after their birth. Those lovely creatures. Those tender lovely creatures. Those sweet tender lovely little things. So fragile. So tranquil. So dreamy. So lithe. Have you ever witnessed a baby's yawn? Walai its the most beautiful thing you'll ever see. What of the way they cover their eyes with both hands; as if literally guarding against the evil forces of a wicked world. Lol. Babies are pure. Apart from waking parents at ungodly hours of night, they're pretty harmless.

My point? There's no point. I only went to a naming ceremony this evening and got to take a picture with the baby girl. I dunno why I'm emotional about this. Tomorrow I'm not going to school. I'm just gonna sit in the verandah in my shorts, blanket on my shoulders, and look at all the pictures of the babies I have on my phone. And probably cry for the rest of the weekend.

When my neighborhood girlfriend saw this piece, she eyed me in a weird way and asked: "what is wrong with you". A question on so many levels.

--->>>Cue (oh baby, oh baby..)


  1. Really, what's wrong with you?! You should own a cage in that zoo. I'm just saying.

  2. ...Lol. I actually requested one but they declined. High maintenance and all...
