Monday 6 July 2015


I had no illusions about my academic abilities. Or disabilities, if you will. I was a below average student in senior secondary. All the theoretical guff posed a semi-serious challenge to me; the challenge of assimilation and application of such knowledge to practical, everyday life. I didn't rightly understand the destructive distillation of coal. Or the vulcanization of rubber. Or the memorization of those phylums.
On the other hand, I liked the geography and technical drawing classes because their lessons were immediately tangible. Most of all, I really enjoyed the economics classes as those lessons immediately ensued in the real world. The concept of demand & supply, the concept of scale of preference, the concept of forgone alternatives -- I liked stuff like that. Though, I feel now, as I felt then, that the concept of hustling and making money ought to be one of the clear, main tenets of O'level economics -- but that's a topic for another day.

One of those economics lessons proved invaluable these past weeks. Amongst a shitload of competing demands (and limited time), I had to arrange competing priorities in order of their relative importance. My B.Sc special project that had stalled and threatened to derail the hustle was given undivided attention. Thankfully, I completed the work last week and got it signed. And approved. In a couple of months, I'll be able to sign off college and actually do something with my life. I am mighty relieved, gaskiya!

For the aficionados of this platform (if there are any), I'm sure you people must've been wondering where I went. E ma binu. I would have informed you of the recess earlier, but I prefer to talk about my bets after they come in (a bad trait I'm looking to cut out). Apologies.

I'm glad to see that birds are still sounding like birds and rats are still sounding like rats. (Yorùbá people will understand that line). Normal services have resumed from hereupon.
I thank you for your indulgence.

--->>>Captaincue (Ramadan Kareem)

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